JAWS Scripts For 3CX
Doug Lee
Last Revised September, 2022
This document describes the JAWS scripts for 3CX and provides
tips for using this application with JAWS.
This document can be opened from within the application via a double press
of JAWSKey+F1 (or Insert+F1)
when the scripts are running.
The scripts and this guide were initially written in April, 2015 against 3CX version 12.0.37098,
then updated in April, 2020 against version (thanks to Sarah Meyer for access).
Table of Contents
System Requirements For JAWS Users
In addition to any system requirements for the application, the following
apply for JAWS users:
- The computer should be running Windows 7, 8.1, or 10.
- JAWS 2018 or later should be used. The scripts will not
work with or install into older JAWS versions.
The scripts were written and primarily tested against JAWS 16.0 in 2015 but then updated and retested in 2020 against JAWS 2019..
- For sites that use 3cx.us subdomains, JAWS 2020 or later will be required in order for these scripts to
load correctly.
Script Installation Instructions
To install these scripts on a new system:
- Load JAWS if this has not already been done. This will require
administrative privileges on the computer.
- Run JAWS as the user for whom the scripts are to be installed.
This and the following steps must be performed for each user of the computer
who will be using JAWS with these scripts.
- Download and run, or run directly, the installer for these scripts; and follow the on-screen
directions. Be sure to install the scripts in the currently running
JAWS version if a JAWS version list is presented.
- To verify successful installation, type Insert+Q from
within the application. Part of the JAWS spoken response should be a
revision number. If you do not hear a revision number, the scripts are
not correctly loaded.
In some cases, restarting JAWS may fix this issue.
Script Features In Brief
The scripts provide the following features:
- Better field announcements throughout the application.
- Insert+B, the standard JAWS command for reading a dialog in
a logical order, reads the active screen effectively in many cases.
- Quick keys for handling calls:
- Ctrl+Shift+C announces the current call's phone number. Typing this command twice quickly also copies the number to the clipboard.
- Ctrl+Shift+H holds the current call.
- Ctrl+Shift+R resumes (retrieves) the current call.
- Ctrl+Shift+T transfers the current call. (This is an unattended transfer.)
- Insert+F5 brings up a list of controls for review and
selection. Besides convenience, this provides a means to reach
controls that Tab and Shift+Tab skip.
- Insert+F6 brings up a list of text elements for review.
This can provide information about an active call and ready access to
other screen material not reachable via the keyboard.
Tips For Using 3CX With JAWS and the Scripts
This section provides tips for performing several common tasks in
3CX while using JAWS and these scripts.
This is not an exhaustive list of tasks nor a replacement for the
3CX user documentation.
Insert+F5 can provide a means to access buttons and other
controls that are otherwise not reachable via the keyboard.
The quick keys for handling calls mentioned in the previous section
provide fast means of holding, resuming, and transferring a call and
identifying the phone number of the contact. Any control or operation
not given a quick key can still be accessed via Insert+F5.
Attended transfer is an example of such an operation.
Insert+F6 can provide access to screen text that is otherwise
hard to find via the keyboard. Most text shown by this command will be
field and control labels, but this command is provided in case any
other text item must quickly be accessed.
Insert+B is a good way to review the contents of short popup
dialogs, such as confirmation boxes and alert messages.
The touch cursor provided by JAWS starting in JAWS 15 can be very
handy for finding material in this application that is not reachable
via the Tab key.
Known Issues
The following issues are known and may be encountered during use of the application with these JAWS scripts.
These issues may be fixed in a future update to the scripts or to the application itself.
Insert+F5 and Insert+F6 can be slow and can include many more items than necessary.
Braille support is not well tested and is likely incomplete.
Revision History
This is the revision history of these scripts, most recent revision first:
Revision 36, September 22, 2022, tested against application version
Warning: This script author was not able to test this update sufficiently due to lack of
access to a testing environment. This message is likely to go away as soon as I hear back from users on how
well this update works.
In the event of trouble, though trouble is not predicted,
the previous released revision (26) is available here.
- Code is updated to improve support for JAWS 2021 and later.
- Keystroke names in this document are more consistent, and there are other minor documentation improvements.
- The installer contains version and product information visible from the Details tab in Windows Explorer, to better identify its contents. This update is being applied to all projects.
- A "directives" text file is included that provides information on how to install this set of scripts manually.
See "Handling Directives Files" in the "Common Script Elements" document for further information.
- The messages for these scripts are now distributed in XML rather than jsm files so that translators can create translations with no need for script source recompilation.
See the Script Translation Procedure document for details on how to translate these scripts, including how to update the XML message file.
Revision 26, released April 08, 2020, tested against application version
- The minimum JAWS version is raised from 16.0 to 2018.
- The new application name
is mapped in Confignames.ini to load these scripts.
- The code and documentation are significantly updated to conform to modern standards.
The installer is also switched from Inno Setup (ISS) to Nullsoft (NSI).
- Source code to the scripts is no longer included. See my Script Distribution Policy document for details. As one side effect, this will cause installation to run much faster.
Revision 16, April 27, 2015, tested against application version 12.0.37098
- Initial script release, though released in beta form due to the sudden termination of the corresponding volunteer engagement due to lack of need for completion of the project.