Using the JAWS Scripts For Audible
Doug Lee
Last Revised February, 2021

This Guide provides tips for using Audible for Windows 10 (Audible) with JAWS For Windows and these scripts. When the scripts are installed and Audible is open and focused, this document can be opened via a double press of JAWSKey+F1 (or Insert+F1).

Table of Contents

System Requirements For JAWS Users

For correct operation with Audible, these scripts require

Script Installation Instructions

To install these scripts on a new system:

  1. Load JAWS if this has not already been done. This will require administrative privileges on the computer.
  2. Run JAWS as the user for whom the scripts are to be installed. This and the following steps must be performed for each user of the computer who will be using JAWS with these scripts.
  3. Download and run, or run directly, the JAWS scripts for Audible, and follow the on-screen directions. Be sure to install the scripts in the currently running JAWS version if a JAWS version list is presented.
  4. To verify successful installation, type Insert+Q while Audible is in focus. Part of the JAWS spoken response should be a revision number. If you do not hear a revision number, the scripts are not correctly loaded.

Key Sequences

These scripts incorporate commands that consist of sequences of keystrokes, all beginning with a common prefix, or "command keystroke." This approach allows many script commands without the risk of conflicting with application keystrokes. See the "Multi-Key Command Sequences" section of the "Common Script Elements" document for further details, including how to explore the available script commands (similar to exploring a menu system), and how to change the Command keystroke if necessary.

By default, the Command keystroke for these scripts is [. This document may refer to this keystroke as [ or Command; so, for example, [ Tab and Command Tab both refer to typing the prefix keystroke, then separately the Tab key. Some sequences may consist of more than two keystrokes, or "levels"; for example, [ d r would refer to typing [, then d, then finally r.

Using Audible With JAWS and the Scripts

This section and its subsections provide tips for using Audible with JAWS and these scripts.

JAWS Script Commands and Features

The scripts provide the following commands:

The scripts also provide the following features:

Native Keyboard Shortcuts

Audible supports a number of keyboard shortcuts. To display a list of these

  1. Activate the Help screen, such as by selecting "Help" from the Command T page list.
  2. Arrow to and press Enter on the "Keyboard Shortcuts" entry in the list that appears.
  3. Use the scripted command sequence Command V to virtualize the screen. This will place the keyboard shortcut list in a JAWS virtual view. Press Esc to close this view when finished reading.

The following outline shows the keyboard shortcuts supported as of Audible for Windows 10 version (July, 2019):

* The number of seconds to jump forward and backward via these keystrokes, and via their corresponding buttons, can be configured on the Playback page in Settings.

Useful Tips

If script commands seem not to work, use Insert+Q to check whether JAWS has loaded the Microsoft Edge scripts in order to handle embedded web content. If this happens, use Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab to move focus out of the web content area and thus re-enable the commands provided by these Audible scripts.

Some pages such as Shop have subpages whose names appear in the page list when you press Enter to activate the page. Once the new pages are added to the list, the scripted [ T sequence will show these pages along with the others for activation.

When a file or stream is playing or paused, Space from most anywhere in the application will play/pause rather than acting on the focused control. Use Enter to press buttons etc.

In the Library list, there are two alternative views: List and Grid. Both work with JAWS and the scripts, but the List view shows more information about each entry in the library.

The standard Insert+B JAWS command for reading a dialog is useful for reading popups in this application. However, it may sometimes be more efficient to use the sequence Command V to show the screen text in a JAWS virtual view. The "Book Details" display is an good example.

Navigation among items in some lists requires use of Left and Right arrows rather than Up and Down arrows. Using Up and Down may work but may miss items in the list. The Library list is an example.

Navigation among pages such as Search and Library require use of Tab and Shift+Tab even though the items are rendered to screen readers as list items. As an alternative, use the scripted command sequence Command T to pick a page from a JAWS popup list.

When changing the narration speed in the full player, press Enter on the Narration Speed button, use arrows to change, then use Esc (not Enter) to return to the player.

If Tab from an episode list in a book or channel does not reach the Play/Pause button, move up and down in the list and then Tab again. Enter should also work without requiring direct focus on the button.

Known Issues

Issues shown in this section may be fixed in future script and/or Audible revisions but are not addressed as of this writing.

JAWS may sometimes fail to speak on the press of an arrow key in a combo box. Much effort has been put into preventing this, but Audible can send spurious events while a combo box is active that confuse JAWS. The speech failure occurs when the user happens to press an arrow key at the precise moment when Audible sends one of these spurious notifications. The notifications occur roughly once every two seconds.

Changing the sort order of the Library list may sometimes cause the list itself to become unreachable via Tab and Shift+Tab until the sort order is changed back.

Some screens include points in the tab order that say nothing, because for those points, Audible does not indicate any location of focus.

Some button names appear oddly in Braille at this time.

The currently playing book title is not available to JAWS in the full player, though it is in the compact player and the player that overlays other screens. This is because, in the full player, the book title appears as part of an image of the book's cover art.

JAWS may sometimes say "checked" as you arrow through the Library list. This is caused by a Zoom control that contains the list.

Revision History

This section presents the revision history of these scripts, most recent revision first.

Revision 74, February 22, 2021, tested against Audible app version

Revision 64, August 02, 2020, tested against Audible app version

Revision 55, September 20, 2019, tested against Audible app version

Revision 44, September 15, 2019, tested against Audible app version

Revision 21, August 12, 2018, tested against Audible app version

Revision 17, August 11, 2018, tested against Audible app version

First test revision released for public inspection. Thanks to Jessica McKenzie for visual assistance and to Jessica Hodges for help using the app.