JAWS Scripts For iaxRpt
Doug Lee
Last Revised June, 2024

This guide provides tips for using these scripts with iaxRpt. When the scripts are installed and the application is in focus, this document can be opened via a double press of JAWSKey+F1 (or Insert+F1).

These scripts were originally written by Frank Ibarra (KN6GAA) around March, 2021. They are hosted, updated, and maintained here as of June, 2024 with Frank's permission and initial assistance.

Table of Contents

System Requirements For JAWS Users

These scripts require the following for correct operation:

Script Installation Instructions

To install these scripts on a new system:

  1. Load JAWS if this has not already been done. This will require administrative privileges on the computer.
  2. Run JAWS as the user for whom the scripts are to be installed. This and the following steps must be performed for each user of the computer who will be using JAWS with these scripts.
  3. Download and run, or run directly, the installer for these scripts; and follow the on-screen directions. Be sure to install the scripts in the currently running JAWS version if a JAWS version list is presented.
  4. To verify successful installation, type Insert+Q while iaxRpt is in focus. Part of the JAWS spoken response should be a revision number. If you do not hear a revision number, the scripts are not correctly loaded.

Script Commands and Features

The scripts provide the following commands:

The scripts also provide the following features:

Learning From Tooltips

Roughly 30 of the data fields in the iaxRpt application have associated tooltips that can appear when the mouse is placed over the field. For example, the tooltip text for the Start Links field in the Links tab of Preferences says, "Enter a comma separated list of node numbers."

iaxRpt must be configured to show tooltips in order for this feature to work. This is accomplished by toggling the single item in the View menu.

To hear a tooltip for a field, use the JAWS RouteJAWSToPC command to move the JAWS cursor, which is also the mouse, to the field that is currently in focus. If the field has a tip and tooltips are being shown by the application, JAWS will speak the tooltip text soon after this action.

Warning: This feature is subject to failures caused by timing issues, cursor positioning variations, screen size changes, etc. If you have made sure that iaxRpt is configured to show tooltips, you know a particular field has one, yet you hear nothing when you move the mouse over it, the exact position to which RouteJAWSToPC moves the mouse pointer may not trigger the tooltip to appear even though a very slight movement of the mouse from that point might do so. This problem is common to many applications and is an artifact of how tooltips work in Windows.

Known Issues

Issues shown in this section may be fixed in future script revisions but are not addressed as of this writing.

Braille displays are not currently well supported by these scripts. If anyone needs this, contact Doug Lee or Frank Ibarra (KN6GAA).

Revision History

Here is the revision history of these scripts, most recent revision first:

Revision 27, released June 17, 2024

This is the first release maintained by Doug Lee, with Frank's permission and initial assistance. This version includes source code as was Frank's original intent. Additions by Doug Lee beyond the original code:

First known release, around March 5, 2021

This release was authored by Frank Ibarra (KN6GAA) and released via the Blind Hams website, and possibly via other sites/means. Though Frank released the source code (.jss) file, some versions in circulation did not include it for unknown reasons. There may have been other variations among circulating versions as well.